"Drive away" 是一个动词短语,在英语中通常表示“驱赶”、“驶离”或“迫使离开”的意思。它可以指物理上的动作,比如驾驶车辆离开某个地方,也可以指抽象的行为,如驱赶不愉快的情绪或让人离开某个情境。

## 用法

1. **物理上的移动**

   - 当"drive away"用于描述车辆或交通工具时,它表示驾驶或开走的动作。

   - 例如:“He drove away in his car after saying goodbye.”(他道别后开车离开了。)

2. **驱赶或摆脱**

   - 在这个意义上,"drive away"可以指驱赶动物、人或情绪。

   - 例如:“The farmer had to drive the sheep away from his garden.”(农夫不得不把羊群赶出他的花园。)

   - “She tried to drive her fears away by listening to soothing music.”(她试图通过听舒缓的音乐来消除恐惧。)

3. **迫使离开**

   - 这个短语还可以用来表示强迫某人离开一个位置或情况。

   - 例如:“The rude behavior of the customer eventually drove the waiter away.”(顾客粗鲁的行为最终逼走了服务员。)

## 例句

1. The sun was setting, so we decided to drive away from the beach before it got too dark. (太阳落山了,所以我们决定在天黑之前离开海滩。)

2. The annoying noise outside drove me away from my concentration. (外面烦人的噪音让我无法集中注意力。)

3. The security guard drove the intruder away with a warning. (保安警告后将入侵者赶走了。)

4. She was so sad that she needed something to drive her sadness away. (她非常伤心,需要一些东西来驱散她的悲伤。)

5. After the storm, the villagers had to drive the water away from their flooded homes. (暴风雨过后,村民们不得不将洪水从被淹的房屋中排掉。)

## 同义词辨析

1. **Expel**: 强烈地驱逐或赶走,通常涉及权力或强制力。

   - 例如:“The school expelled him for breaking the rules.”(学校因他违反规定而开除了他。)

2. **Eject**: 特别指从某个场所或容器中强制移除。

   - 例如:“The airline staff had to eject the passenger for causing a disturbance.”(航空公司工作人员不得不将造成骚乱的乘客赶下飞机。)

3. **Shoo**: 通常用于动物,温和地驱赶。

   - 例如:“She shooed the cat away from the kitchen counter.”(她把猫从厨房柜台赶走了。)

4. **Banish**: 永久性或长期地驱逐或禁止。

   - 例如:“He was banished from the kingdom for treason.”(他因叛国罪被逐出了王国。)

5. **Scare off**: 通过恐吓或惊吓使离开。

   - 例如:“The loud noise scared the birds off.”(巨大的声响把鸟儿都吓跑了。)