"Have something to do with" 是一个常用的英语短语,表达的是“与...有关,涉及...”的意思。这个短语在日常对话和书面表达中都十分常见,用于描述事物之间的关联性。


"Have something to do with" 意味着某事或某人与另一个事物或人存在一定的联系或影响。它不强调因果关系,而是指出两者之间存在某种程度的关联。例如,如果你说 "My headache has something to do with the stress I've been under," 这意味着你的头痛可能与你近期的压力有关,但并不一定直接由压力引起。


1. 基本用法:"A has something to do with B" 表示"A与B有关"。例如:"Her success has something to do with her hard work."(她的成功与她的努力工作有关。)

2. 否定形式:"A doesn't have anything/nothing to do with B" 表示"A与B无关"。例如:"The accident doesn't have anything to do with his driving skills."(事故与他的驾驶技术无关。)

3. 疑问形式:"Does A have anything to do with B?" 询问"A是否与B有关"。例如:"Does your absence have anything to do with the meeting?"(你的缺席与会议有关吗?)

4. 强调形式:"A has everything to do with B" 表示"A与B有直接且重要的关系"。例如:"Your attitude has everything to do with the outcome of this situation."(你的态度与此情况的结果有着直接的关系。)


1. "Be related to": 这个短语同样表示"与...有关",但通常用于更正式的语境。例如:"This research is related to climate change."(这项研究与气候变化有关。)

2. "Connect with": 这个短语强调的是两个事物之间的连接或联系。例如:"The two events connect with each other."(这两个事件相互关联。)

3. "Be associated with": 这个短语暗示一种非直接但存在的联系,有时可能带有负面含义。例如:"Smoking is often associated with lung cancer."(吸烟通常与肺癌有关。)

4. "Be linked to": 这个短语也表示两个事物之间存在某种联系,尤其在科学或新闻报道中常见。例如:"There seems to be a link between diet and heart disease."(似乎饮食与心脏病之间存在联系。)