"do without" 是一个英语短语,其基本含义是“没有...也能应付”或“不需要...也能行”。这个表达通常用来表示在缺乏某物或者某人的情况下,事情仍然可以顺利进行,或者个人依然能够正常生活。它强调的是适应性和自我满足的能力,有时也暗示着节约或节省。

## 用法

1. **基本用法:** "do without sth/sb"

   - 例如:We'll just have to do without air conditioning for now. (我们现在只好没有空调了。)

2. **否定形式:** "not do without sth/sb"

   - 例如:I can't not do without my morning coffee. (我不能没有早上的咖啡。)

3. **疑问形式:** "can/could you do without sth/sb?"

   - 例如:Can you do without your phone for a day? (你能一天不用手机吗?)

4. **祈使句:** "Do without sth/sb!"

   - 例如:Do without that extra dessert, if you're watching your weight. (如果你在意体重,就不要吃那份额外的甜点。)

## 例句

1. After the budget cuts, the company had to learn to do without some luxuries. (预算削减后,公司不得不学会没有一些奢侈品。)

2. The couple decided they could do without cable TV to save money. (这对夫妇决定不装有线电视以节省开支。)

3. The athlete trained so rigorously that he could do without sleep for a few nights. (这位运动员训练得如此刻苦,以至于他可以连续几晚不睡觉。)

4. In the absence of a proper tool, we'll have to do without and improvise. (没有合适的工具,我们只能凑合着用并即兴发挥。)

5. She realized she could do without her ex-partner's company and started living a more fulfilling life. (她意识到没有前任的陪伴,她也能过上更充实的生活。)

## 同义词辨析

1. **manage without**  

   这个短语与 "do without" 意思相近,都表示在没有某物或某人的情况下,事情依然可以处理或完成。

   - 例如:We managed without the internet for a week during the storm. (暴风雨期间,我们没有网络也过来了。)

2. **get by without**  


   - 例如:I can get by without a car in the city, as public transportation is convenient. (在城市里,我没有车也能过,因为公共交通很方便。)

3. **make do with**  


   - 例如:We made do with a cardboard box instead of a proper table for the party. (我们用纸板箱代替了正式的桌子来举办聚会。)

虽然这些短语都有类似的含义,但它们在具体情境中可能带有微妙的差别。"do without" 更侧重于适应和生存,而 "manage without" 和 "get by without" 强调的是在困难条件下勉强维持,而 "make do with" 则强调使用替代品。在写作或口语中,选择哪个短语取决于上下文和要传达的具体信息。