

1. **Divide sth into parts/sections**

   - 例句:The teacher divided the class into four groups for the project. (老师将班级分成四个小组来做项目。)

   - 同义词:separate, partition, split

2. **Divide sth between/among**

   - 例句:We need to divide the responsibilities equally among all team members. (我们需要将责任平均分配给所有团队成员。)

   - 同义词:allocate, distribute

3. **Divide attention/time/effort, etc.**

   - 例句:She divides her time between work and family commitments. (她在工作和家庭责任之间平衡时间。)

   - 同义词:allocate, apportion

4. **Divide opinion/views**

   - 例句:The proposal has divided public opinion, with some supporting it and others opposing it. (这个提案引起了公众的意见分歧,有人支持,有人反对。)

   - 同义词:create a rift, cause a split

5. **Divide sth by sth**

   - 例句:Dividing 10 by 2 equals 5. (10除以2等于5。)

   - 同义词:calculate the quotient of


- **Separate** - 强调将原本连在一起的事物分离开,但不一定形成独立的部分。

   - 例句:Separate the eggs yolks from the whites. (将鸡蛋黄与蛋白分离。)

- **Partition** - 指将一个整体划分为具有明确边界的各个部分,常用于物理空间或数据的划分。

   - 例句:The room was partitioned into two smaller offices. (房间被隔成了两个小办公室。)

- **Split** - 通常指快速或暴力地分开,也可以指群体中的分裂。

   - 例句:The tree was split in two by lightning. (那棵树被闪电劈成了两半。)

- **Allocate** - 指有计划地分配资源、时间等。

   - 例句:The budget will be allocated to different departments based on their needs. (预算将根据各部门的需求进行分配。)

- **Distribute** - 强调均匀或按一定比例分配,可以是物质的,也可以是非物质的(如权力、信息)。

   - 例句:The charity distributed food to the homeless people. (慈善机构向无家可归的人分发食物。)

- **Apportion** - 指按照一定的标准或比例分配。

   - 例句:The rent is apportioned according to the size of each apartment. (租金是根据每个公寓的大小来分摊的。)