Disagree with 句子释义、用法及同义词辨析**


"Disagree with" 是一个英语动词短语,表示不赞同或与某人的观点、意见、建议或行为不一致。它也可以用来表达对某种情况或事实的否定看法。在更广泛的意义上,"disagree with" 也用于描述身体对某些食物或药物的不良反应。


1. **基本用法**

   - 与观点或意见搭配:I disagree with your proposal. (我不同意你的提议。)

   - 与人搭配:She disagrees with her boss on the project plan. (她在项目计划上与她的老板意见不合。)

   - 与事实或情况搭配:I disagree with the statement that all cats are lazy. (我不认同所有猫都很懒的观点。)

2. **与身体反应搭配**

   - After eating seafood, he felt ill; he must disagree with it. (吃完海鲜后,他感到不适,他可能是对海鲜过敏。)

3. **否定形式**

   - I don't disagree with you, but I think we need more information before making a decision. (我并不反对你的观点,但我认为我们在做决定前需要更多信息。)


1. **Oppose**

   "Oppose" 强调的是立场上的对立,通常用于政治、社会或重大问题上的对抗。例如:Many citizens opposed the new tax law. (许多市民反对新的税法。)

2. **Dissent**

   "Dissent" 指的是正式或公开的异议,通常在正式场合或书面语中使用。例如:There was a dissenting voice in the council meeting. (在理事会会议上有一个持异议的声音。)

3. **Contradict**

   "Contradict" 意味着直接反驳或否认某人的陈述或事实。例如:His statement contradicts what he said yesterday. (他的陈述与他昨天的说法相矛盾。)

4. **Disapprove**

   "Disapprove" 表示不赞成或不认可某人的行为或决定,但不一定涉及具体的观点。例如:Parents often disapprove of their children's choice of friends. (父母常常不赞同他们的孩子选择的朋友。)

5. **Veto**

   "Veto" 通常用于政府或组织中,表示否决权,即阻止某个决定或行动的能力。例如:The President vetoed the bill, preventing it from becoming law. (总统否决了该法案,阻止了它成为法律。)


1. He disagreed with his teammates about the strategy for the next game. (他对下一场比赛的策略与队友产生了分歧。)

2. The doctor advised me to avoid spicy food as I seem to disagree with it. (医生建议我避免吃辣的食物,因为我似乎对它过敏。)

3. While she didn't oppose the idea outright, she did express her disagreement with certain aspects. (虽然她没有完全反对这个想法,但她确实表达了对某些方面的异议。)