"Make a difference" 是一个常用的英语短语,它表示“有影响”或“产生变化”的意思。这个短语通常用于积极的语境中,强调某个人、事物或行动对某个情况产生了正面的影响。现在,我们将详细解析其含义、用法,并提供一些例句,同时与相关的同义表达进行辨析。


1. 产生影响:指某事或某人对某个情况或结果产生了显著的变化。

2. 起作用:在解决问题或改善状况时,某个人或事物发挥了关键作用。


"Make a difference" 可以用作不及物动词短语,后面可以接宾语。它可以用来描述人、事物或行动的效果。例如:

1. She decided to volunteer at the local shelter, hoping to make a difference in the lives of abandoned animals.

2. The new technology really makes a difference in terms of productivity.


1. Donating blood can directly make a difference in someone's life. (献血可以直接影响到别人的生活。)

2. His dedication to environmental protection truly makes a difference in our community. (他对环保的执着真的对我们的社区产生了影响。)

3. Your support and encouragement made a difference when I was struggling with my studies. (在我学习困难的时候,你的支持和鼓励起到了关键的作用。)


1. Have an impact: 这个短语也表示“产生影响”,但可能包含正面或负面的影响,而“make a difference”更倾向于积极的影响。

   例句:The government's policies have had a significant impact on the economy. (政府的政策对经济产生了显著的影响。)

2. Create a change: 强调带来改变或转化,与“make a difference”非常接近,但更侧重于物理或实质性的变化。

   例句:The new management team is trying to create a change in the company's culture. (新的管理团队正努力改变公司的文化。)

3. Influence: 意为“影响”或“对...有影响力”,可以是直接或间接的,也可以是积极或消极的。

   例句:His opinions greatly influence public opinion on climate change. (他的观点极大地影响了公众对气候变化的看法。)

4. Alter: 更侧重于改变或修改某个事物的状态或性质。

   例句:The introduction of renewable energy sources has altered the energy landscape. (可再生能源的引入改变了能源格局。)