“Die of”是一个英语短语,通常用来表示因某种内部原因或疾病导致的死亡,这些原因可能包括疾病、饥饿、寒冷、恐惧、悲伤等。它强调的是死因是由于身体内部的状况或反应,而不是外部的物理伤害。


1. 因疾病或内在原因死亡:例如,“She died of cancer.”(她因癌症去世。)

2. 表示由于过度的某种情绪或状态而死:如,“He died of grief after his son's death.”(他儿子去世后,他悲痛而死。)


1. “Die of”后面通常接疾病或情感名词,如“die of pneumonia”(死于肺炎),“die of fear”(死于恐惧)。

2. 在表示因过度情况导致死亡时,可以用“die of”来描述,如“die of hunger”(饿死),“die of thirst”(渴死)。


1. The old man died of a heart attack in his sleep.(这位老人在睡梦中死于心脏病发作。)

2. Many people died of starvation during the famine.(在饥荒期间,许多人饿死了。)

3. She was so frightened that she thought she would die of fear.(她吓得以为自己会被吓死。)

4. He died of loneliness after his wife passed away.(妻子去世后,他因孤独而死。)


1. **"Die from"** 与 "Die of" 在很多情况下可以互换使用,但“die from”更常用于表示由于外部因素,如事故、中毒、辐射等造成的死亡。例如,“He died from a car accident.”(他死于车祸。)

2. **"Pass away"** 是一个比较委婉的表达,常用于谈论死亡,但不强调具体原因。例如,“My grandfather peacefully passed away in his sleep.”(我的祖父安详地在睡梦中去世了。)

3. **"Perish"** 常用于文学或正式语境,表示死亡,尤其是指灾难性事件中的死亡。例如,“Many lives perished in the earthquake.”(许多人在地震中丧生。)