"Decide on / upon" 是一个动词短语,主要用于表示做出决定或选择。它表达的是经过思考、考虑或者讨论后,最终确定一个行动计划、观点或解决方案的过程。这两个短语在大多数情况下是可互换的,且含义相同。


1. **决定做某事**

   - 例如:We have decided upon starting a new project next month. (我们已经决定下个月开始一个新的项目。)

   - 同义句:We've made up our minds to embark on a new project next month.

2. **选定某物**

   - 例如:She decided on the blue dress for the party. (她决定穿那件蓝色的裙子去参加派对。)

   - 同义句:She opted for the blue dress as her choice for the party.

3. **同意或接受某事**

   - 例如:After much debate, we decided upon the proposal. (经过一番辩论,我们接受了这个提议。)

   - 同义句:Eventually, we agreed to the proposal after much discussion.


1. He's still trying to decide upon a major in college. (他还在试图决定大学的专业。)

2. They decided on Italy for their honeymoon destination. (他们选择了意大利作为蜜月旅行的目的地。)

3. The committee decided upon a budget cut to reduce expenses. (委员会决定削减预算以减少开支。)


1. **Choose / Select**

   - "Choose" 和 "Select" 都表示从几个选项中挑选一个,但 "decide on / upon" 更强调决定的过程,而不仅仅是选择本身。

   - 例如:I've decided upon the red car, but I haven't chosen which model yet. (我已经决定了要买红色的车,但还没选好具体型号。)

2. **Agree on / upon**

   - "Agree on / upon" 表示达成一致意见,通常涉及多人的决策。

   - 例如:We agreed upon meeting at 9 am. (我们同意上午9点见面。)

   - 虽然 "decide on / upon" 也可以表示多人达成一致,但更侧重于个人或集体做出的决定,不强调共识的形成过程。

3. **Make up one's mind**

   - 这个短语强调个人内心的决定,通常不涉及外部的讨论或选项。

   - 例如:She finally made up her mind about quitting her job. (她终于决定辞职了。)

4. **Resolve**

   - "Resolve" 常用于表示解决难题或冲突后的决定,带有坚定的决心。

   - 例如:We need to resolve this issue once and for all. (我们需要彻底解决这个问题。)