"To this day" 是一个英语短语,用来表达一个事件或情况直到现在仍然存在或影响深远。它强调的是某个动作、状态或结果从过去持续到现在,且通常带有对过去的回忆或对现状的反思。这个短语经常用于描述一个持久的事实、未解的问题或者持续的影响。

## 用法

### 结构

"To this day" 通常置于句首,用来引出一个关于现在仍然存在的状况或结果的句子。例如:

- To this day, she remains the best singer I've ever heard.


### 语境


- To this day, the mystery of his disappearance has never been solved.


## 用法示例

1. To this day, the ancient ruins still attract thousands of tourists every year.


2. Despite numerous attempts, the problem persists, and to this day, no one has found an effective solution.


3. To this day, his words continue to inspire generations of young people.


4. The scar on my hand serves as a reminder of that accident; to this day, it's a vivid memory.


## 同义词与近义表达辨析

1. **Up until now**: 表示同样的意思,即某事一直持续到目前为止。例如:

   - Up until now, the project has been running smoothly.

2. **Even today**: 强调即使在今天,某个情况或事实依然如此。例如:

   - Even today, people continue to debate the merits of this policy.

3. **Still**: 简洁地表达某事至今未变。例如:

   - She is still the only person who truly understands me.

4. **As yet**: 带有一种不确定性,表示某事至今未发生或改变。例如:

   - As yet, there has been no breakthrough in the case.

5. **So far**: 着重于到现在为止的情况,可能暗示未来可能会改变。例如:

   - So far, the company has managed to maintain its profitability.