"These days" 是一个英语短语,通常用来指当前的时间段或近期的情况。它表达的是一种现在时态,强调事情发生在最近或目前的状态。这个短语可以用来描述一种趋势、变化或者普遍存在的现象,也可以用来引入对当前状况的讨论。


1. 描述当前状态或趋势:

   - "These days, more people prefer to work from home due to the pandemic."


2. 引入对比或变化:

   - "In the past, we used to go out for dinner every weekend, but these days, we mostly cook at home."


3. 表达对当前状况的感慨或评论:

   - "These days, it seems like everyone is too busy to catch up with friends."


4. 引导对当前事件的讨论:

   - "These days, the topic of climate change is at the forefront of global conversations."



1. Nowadays: 这个词与 "these days" 意思相近,都表示当前或近来的时期。例如:

   - "Nowadays, online shopping has become a popular choice for consumers."


2. Currently: 这个词更强调当前正在发生的事情,而不涉及一个时间段。例如:

   - "Currently, the city is undergoing major renovations to improve its infrastructure."


3. At present: 这个短语同样表示当前的时间,但语气上可能更正式一些。例如:

   - "At present, there are no plans to change the company's policy."


4. Lately: 这个词强调近期内发生的变化或新情况,有时带有“最近”的含义。例如:

   - "Lately, I've been feeling more energized after starting a new exercise routine."
