**cut off** 是一个常见的英语短语,具有多种含义,主要可以理解为“切断”,“中断”,“隔绝”或“剥夺”。在不同的语境中,它有着丰富的表达力。

1. **切断,割断**

   - 释义:指物理上的割断、切断或分离两个物体。

   - 例句:The power was cut off during the storm, leaving us in darkness. (暴风雨期间电力被切断,我们陷入黑暗。)

   - 同义词:sever, disconnect, detach

2. **中断,中止**

   - 释义:指突然停止某个过程或活动。

   - 例句:Our conversation was cut off by the ringing of the phone. (我们的谈话被电话铃声打断了。)

   - 同义词:interrupt, break off, halt

3. **隔绝,隔离**

   - 释义:将某人或某物与外界隔离开来。

   - 例句:The island was cut off from the mainland by the rising floodwaters. (岛屿因洪水上涨而与大陆隔绝。)

   - 同义词:isolate, quarantine, separate

4. **剥夺,取消**

   - 释义:指取消某人的权利、供给或联系。

   - 例句:He was cut off from his inheritance when he rebelled against his family. (他反抗家庭时被剥夺了继承权。)

   - 同义词:deprive, disinherit, bar

## 用法示例:

1. **切断物质连接**

   - The surgeon carefully cut off the infected limb to save the patient's life. (外科医生小心翼翼地切除了感染的肢体以挽救病人的生命。)

   - In the winter, some roads are cut off due to heavy snowfall. (冬季,由于大雪,一些道路会被切断。)

2. **中断通讯**

   - The phone call was cut off just as she was about to reveal an important piece of information. (就在她要透露重要信息的时候,电话被切断了。)

   - The internet connection was cut off during the online meeting, causing much frustration. (在线会议期间网络连接中断,引起了很多不便。)

3. **隔离情感或关系**

   - After a big argument, they decided to cut each other off for a while. (经过一场大争吵后,他们决定暂时不相往来。)

   - The child felt cut off from her friends when she moved to a new city. (当她搬到新城市时,这个孩子感觉与朋友们隔绝了。)

4. **剥夺经济支持**

   - When John failed to meet his parents' expectations, they cut him off financially. (当约翰未能达到父母的期望时,他们就断绝了他的经济来源。)

   - The government threatened to cut off aid to the region if the conflict persisted. (政府威胁如果冲突持续,将切断对该地区的援助。)

在使用 "cut off" 时,要注意根据上下文选择恰当的含义。同时,"cut off" 还可以与其他词汇构成短语,如 "cut off from"(与...隔绝)或 "cut off by"(被...切断)。理解这些细微差别有助于更准确地使用这个短语。