"Cut in line" 是一个英语短语,意指“插队”,即在排队等候时,不按照顺序提前进入队列,跳过前面的人。这个表达常用于描述不遵守公共秩序,特别是涉及到等待的情况,如购票、购物、乘坐公共交通等。


1. **基本含义**: 插队,不按顺序加入队伍。

2. **社会含义**: 表示对规则的无视或对他人的不尊重。

3. **情感色彩**: 常带有负面情绪,因为这种行为通常会引起他人的不满。


1. **动词短语**: "He cut in line, causing other people to get angry."(他插队了,这让其他人生气。)

2. **祈使句**: "Don't cut in line, please wait your turn."(请不要插队,轮到你的时候再过来。)

3. **描述场景**: "Seeing someone cut in line at the movie ticket counter is quite frustrating."(看到有人在电影院售票处插队真的很烦人。)


1. "She tried to cut in line, but the security guard politely asked her to go to the end."

2. "When I saw him cutting in line, I couldn't help but express my dissatisfaction."

3. "In some cultures, cutting in line is considered extremely rude and disrespectful."


1. **Jump the queue** - 与 "cut in line" 同义,源自英国英语,表示未按顺序加入队列。

   例句: "I can't believe she just jumped the queue like that!"

2. **Barge in** - 意为“闯入”或“强行进入”,在某些情况下可以用来描述插队的行为。

   例句: "A man barged in while we were all waiting in line, completely ignoring us."

3. **Push in** - 这个短语更侧重于身体上的推挤,暗示通过物理方式挤进队伍。

   例句: "There was a lot of pushing and shoving as people tried to push in."

4. **Skip ahead** - 更正式或委婉的表达,强调跳过前面的人。

   例句: "Some people were trying to skip ahead without waiting for their turn."