"Courage to do something" 是一个表达人面对恐惧、困难或挑战时,仍然决定采取行动的决心和胆量的短语。它强调的是在面临不确定性和可能的风险时,一个人选择前进而不是退缩的品质。这种勇气可以体现在各种生活场景中,包括个人成长、职业发展、人际关系等。


1. 作为名词短语,"the courage to do something" 常用来描述某人的特质或行为。例如:"She had the courage to quit her job and start her own business."

2. 作为动词短语,"to have the courage to do something" 表示决定并执行某个可能具有挑战性的任务。例如:"It takes a lot of courage to stand up for your beliefs."


1. He demonstrated the courage to confront his fears and overcome them.

2. It takes immense courage to apologize when you've made a mistake.

3. She had the courage to express her disagreement in a meeting full of senior executives.


1. **Bravery**: 比 "courage" 更侧重于在危险或威胁面前表现出的无畏精神,通常与英雄行为相关。例如:"The firefighter displayed bravery by entering the burning building."

2. **Fortitude**: 强调在长期困难或痛苦中保持坚定和不屈的精神。例如:"She showed great fortitude during her battle with cancer."

3. **Guts**: 这个词更口语化,用于描述在日常生活中冒险或采取大胆行动的勇气。例如:"He had the guts to ask her out on a date."

4. **Daring**: 常用于形容敢于尝试新事物或挑战传统的行为。例如:"Her daring spirit led her to explore unknown territories."

5. **Fearlessness**: 完全没有恐惧感,但过度的恐惧lessness可能会导致鲁莽的行为。例如:"His fearlessness in combat was both admired and feared."