"In conclusion" 是一个常用的英语短语,用于在文章、演讲或讨论的结尾部分总结主要观点或得出结论。它标志着作者或说话者对之前阐述的观点的最后总结,引导读者或听众对整个内容有一个整体的理解。这个短语通常出现在正式的书面语和口语表达中,比如学术论文、报告、演讲或者辩论。


1. "After analyzing the data, it is clear that global warming poses a significant threat to our planet. In conclusion, immediate action must be taken to mitigate its effects."


2. "Throughout this presentation, we have discussed the benefits and drawbacks of remote work. In conclusion, while it offers flexibility, it also requires strong self-discipline."


3. "The novel explores themes of love, loss, and redemption. In conclusion, the author skillfully weaves these elements together to create a compelling narrative."



1. **Finally**: 这个词也常用于总结,但通常更随意,适合非正式场合。例如:"Finally, let's summarize the key points."

2. **To sum up**: 与 "in conclusion" 类似,用于概括主要内容。例如:"To sum up, the project was a great success."

3. **In summary**: 这个短语在正式和非正式的文本中都很常见,用来简明扼要地重述主要论点。例如:"In summary, the study suggests that regular exercise improves mental health."

4. **All in all**: 表示总体评价或结论,适用于非正式和正式的语境。例如:"All in all, the experience was both challenging and rewarding."

5. **Therefore**: 强调因果关系,常用于得出结论。例如:"The evidence is overwhelming; therefore, we must accept the hypothesis."

6. **Thus**: 同样强调因果关系,但比 "therefore" 更正式。例如:"The experiment failed to produce the desired results; thus, the hypothesis needs revising."