"Come over" 是一个常用的英语短语,意为“过来”或“到某人那里去”。这个短语通常用于邀请某人到说话人的位置,或者指某人向说话人的方向移动。在非正式的语境中,它也可以表示接近、加入或参与某个活动。


1. **邀请**:

   - "Hey, do you want to come over for dinner tonight?"(嘿,今晚想过来一起吃晚饭吗?)

   - "Why don't you come over and watch the game with us?"(你为什么不过来和我们一起看比赛呢?)

2. **请求帮助**:

   - "I'm having trouble with my computer. Could you come over and help me fix it?"(我的电脑出了问题,你能过来帮我修一下吗?)

   - "My car broke down. Can you come over and give me a lift?"(我的车坏了,你能过来接我一下吗?)

3. **加入活动**:

   - "We're having a party. Just come over whenever you're ready."(我们在开派对,你准备好随时可以过来。)

   - "The game is about to start. Come over and join us!"(游戏马上开始了,过来一起玩吧!)

4. **情感表达**:

   - "I miss you. Can you come over and we'll talk?"(我想你了,你能过来我们聊一聊吗?)

   - "I feel lonely. Would you mind coming over for some company?"(我有点孤单,你介意过来陪陪我吗?)


1. **Drop by**:与"come over"相似,表示不预约的短暂访问,但"drop by"更侧重于临时、随意的访问。

   - "I'll just drop by your place later to return the book."(我稍后会顺便把书还给你。)

2. **Pay a visit**:比"come over"正式一些,通常用于计划好的访问。

   - "I'm planning to pay a visit to my grandparents this weekend."(我打算这个周末去看望我的祖父母。)

3. **Stop by**:同样表示临时、不预约的访问,与"come over"非常接近,但在某些情况下可能更侧重于途中经过。

   - "If you're passing by, please stop by for a cup of coffee."(如果你路过,进来喝杯咖啡吧。)

4. **Join us**:虽然不是直接表示“过来”,但它邀请别人参与到一个活动中,与"come over"在某些情境下有相同的意思。

   - "Please join us for the celebration."(请来参加我们的庆祝活动。)