Close Down: 句子释义、用法及同义词辨析

## 一、释义

"Close down" 是一个动词短语,主要在英语中使用,表示“关闭”或“停业”的意思。这可以指物理空间的关闭,如商店、工厂或办公室,也可以指项目、活动或操作的终止。在更抽象的层面上,"close down" 也可以指停止某项服务、计划或进程。

## 二、用法

### 1. 基本用法

- **关闭实体场所**:例如,“The restaurant decided to close down due to financial difficulties.”(这家餐厅因财务困难决定关闭。)

- **结束活动或项目**:例如,“The festival organizers announced that they would close down the event early due to bad weather.”(节日组织者宣布由于恶劣天气,他们将提前结束活动。)

- **停止运营或服务**:例如,“The company is planning to close down its operations in several countries.”(该公司计划关闭在几个国家的业务。)

### 2. 过去式和过去分词

"Close down" 的过去式是 "closed down",过去分词也是 "closed down"。在使用时,它既可以表示完成的动作,也可以表示持续的状态。

- **完成的动作**:例如,“They closed down the factory last month.”(他们上个月关闭了工厂。)

- **持续的状态**:例如,“The school has been closed down for renovations over the summer.”(学校整个夏天都因装修而关闭。)

### 3. 现在进行时和将来时

"Close down" 也可以用于现在进行时和将来时,表示即将发生或正在发生的事情。

- **现在进行时**:例如,“The store is closing down and selling all its stock at discounted prices.”(商店正在清仓大甩卖,准备关门。)

- **将来时**:例如,“The government plans to close down several public services next year.”(政府计划明年关闭一些公共服务。)

## 三、同义词辨析

1. **Shut down**: 这个短语与 "close down" 意思相近,但通常用于正式或官方场合,例如关闭工厂或停止服务。例如,“The power plant was shut down for safety reasons.”(电厂因安全原因被关闭。)

2. **Terminate**: 更正式,常用于合同、协议或项目结束。例如,“The contract was terminated due to breach of terms.”(由于违反条款,合同被终止。)

3. **Cease**: 强调停止或中断行为或活动。例如,“The company has ceased production of its old model.”(公司已经停止生产旧型号产品。)

4. **Fold**: 在商业环境中,常指企业倒闭或停止营业。例如,“The small business folded after struggling for years.”(这家小企业在挣扎多年后倒闭了。)

5. **Discontinue**: 通常用于产品或服务的停止供应。例如,“The manufacturer discontinued the product due to low demand.”(制造商因需求量低而停止生产该产品。)


## 四、例句

1. The city council decided to close down the park at night to prevent vandalism.(市议会决定夜间关闭公园以防止破坏行为。)

2. The library will be closed down for maintenance during the winter break.(图书馆将在寒假期间关闭进行维护。)

3. After 30 years of operation, the family-owned bakery announced it would close down due to retirement.(经营了30年的家族面包店宣布因退休而关闭。)