"Clear up" 是一个动词短语,主要表示“澄清”、“解决”或“清理”的意思。它可以用于物理上的清理,比如扫除杂物或清理天空中的阴霾,也可以用于抽象的概念,如解决疑惑或处理问题。

### 用法

1. **澄清或解释**:

   - "Can you clear up the confusion about the project's deadline?" (你能澄清一下项目截止日期的困惑吗?)

   - "The teacher took time to clear up any misunderstandings about the lesson." (老师花时间澄清了课上的任何误解。)

2. **解决问题**:

   - "We need to clear up these financial issues before we can move forward." (我们需要在前进之前解决这些财务问题。)

   - "The manager is working on clearing up the customer's complaint." (经理正在处理客户的投诉。)

3. **天气转晴**:

   - "It rained all morning, but the sun should clear up later in the afternoon." (雨下了一上午,但下午太阳应该会出来。)

   - "The clouds are clearing up, and we can see the stars now." (云层正在散去,我们现在可以看到星星了。)

4. **整理或收拾**:

   - "Please clear up your room before your guests arrive." (请在客人来之前整理你的房间。)

   - "She spent the whole afternoon clearing up the garden after the storm." (她在暴风雨过后整个下午都在清理花园。)

### 同义词辨析

1. **Clarify** - 强调消除混淆或提供明确的解释。

   - "Please clarify your position on the issue." (请阐明你对这个问题的立场。)

2. **Resolve** - 指解决问题或冲突,通常涉及决策或行动。

   - "They resolved the conflict through open communication." (他们通过开放的沟通解决了冲突。)

3. **Disentangle** - 常用于复杂的或纠缠不清的情况,意味着理清或解开。

   - "We need to disentangle the complicated legal issues." (我们需要理清这些复杂的法律问题。)

4. **Straighten out** - 与"clear up"相似,常用于纠正错误或混乱状态。

   - "Let's straighten out this paperwork before submitting it." (让我们在提交之前把这些文件整理好。)

5. **Clean up** - 物理上的清理或打扫,也用于比喻性的清除。

   - "I'll clean up the kitchen after dinner." (晚饭后我会清理厨房。)

   - "The company needs to clean up its act to regain public trust." (这家公司需要改正行为以重新赢得公众信任。)