"Have no choice (but to do sth)" 是一个英语短语,表示“别无选择,只能做某事”。这个表达强调在特定情况下,除了采取某个行动之外,没有其他可行的选项。它通常用来描述一种被迫或者无奈的情况。


- I had no choice but to accept the offer, as there were no other job prospects.(我别无选择,只能接受这个提议,因为没有其他工作机会。)

- She had no choice but to leave the party early, due to her sudden illness.(由于突然生病,她不得不提前离开聚会。)

## 用法

1. **结构**:"Have no choice"后面接介词"but",然后是不定式结构"to do sth"。有时,"but"后的不定式可以省略"to",尤其是在有实义动词或短语动词的情况下。

   - I have no choice but to study for the exam tonight. (完整形式)

   - I have no choice but study for the exam tonight. (省略"to")

2. **否定形式**:在否定句中,"but"后面的不定式通常不带"to"。

   - You don't have any choice but wait. (这里"but"后的"to"被省略)

3. **比较形式**:可以用"more...than"或"less...than"来表示程度上的比较。

   - I have less choice than you think; I must follow the rules. (我别无选择,必须遵守规则。)

4. **同义表达**:这个短语可以与"have no option but to do", "have no alternative but to do", 或者 "there is nothing else one can do but do"互换使用。

## 同义词辨析

1. **Have no option but to do sth**: 这个短语与"have no choice"非常相似,但"option"更侧重于个人的选择权,强调在所有可能的选项中没有其他可选的。

   - I had no option but to decline the invitation. (我别无他选,只能拒绝邀请。)

2. **Have no alternative but to do sth**: "Alternative"强调的是除某行动外的其他可能性,意味着没有其他可行的替代方案。

   - We had no alternative but to cancel the trip due to the bad weather. (由于天气恶劣,我们别无他法,只能取消旅行。)

3. **There is nothing else one can do but do sth**: 这个表达更直接地指出除了采取某个行动之外,没有其他可能。

   - There was nothing else he could do but apologize for his mistake. (除了为他的错误道歉,他没有其他选择。)