
"Check into" 是一个英语短语动词,主要表示“入住(旅馆、医院等)”或“开始研究或调查某事”的意思。在不同的语境中,它的含义会有所不同。

1. **入住(旅馆、医院等)**

   当“check into”用于描述进入旅馆、酒店、医院或其他类似场所并登记入住的行为时,它表示正式开始在该处逗留。


   例句:After a long journey, we finally checked into the hotel and relaxed for the evening.


2. **开始研究或调查某事**

   在这个意义上,“check into”意味着开始对某个问题、事实或情况展开调查或研究,以获取更多信息。

   例句:I'll check into the issue and get back to you with any updates.



1. **基本结构**

   "Check into"通常跟名词或动名词作宾语,如“check into a hotel”或“check into the problem”。

   例句:Before the conference, we need to check into our hotel and freshen up.


2. **时间状语**

   “check into”可以与表示时间的状语连用,如“check into somewhere yesterday”或“check into something tomorrow”。

   例句:She plans to check into the clinic tomorrow morning for her surgery.


3. **被动语态**

   当主语是被检查的对象时,可以使用被动语态,如“be checked into”。

   例句:The patient was checked into the hospital immediately after the accident.



1. **Register at**


   例句:Please register at the front desk upon arrival.


2. **Investigate**


   例句:The police are investigating the cause of the fire.


3. **Look into**

   类似于"investigate","look into"也表示调查或查看,但语气较轻,可应用于日常对话中。

   例句:Can you look into the missing package for me?
