“Chance of (Doing) Something” 是一个英语短语,用来描述做某事的可能性或概率。这个表达通常用于预测事件发生的可能性,或者在不确定的情况下评估某个结果发生的几率。"Chance" 这个词在这里可以理解为“机会”或“可能性”,而 "of doing something" 则表示具体的行动或结果。


- "There is a chance of rain today."(今天可能会下雨。)

- "What's the chance of getting a promotion this year?"(今年升职的可能性有多大?)


1. **表示可能性**

   - "There's only a slim chance of winning the lottery."(中彩票的机会非常渺茫。)

   - "There's a high chance of traffic delays during rush hour."(高峰期交通延误的可能性很大。)

2. **寻求意见或评估**

   - "What's the chance of us finishing the project on time?"(我们按时完成项目的机会有多大?)

   - "How much chance do you think I have to get into that university?"(你觉得我考上那所大学的可能性有多少?)

3. **表达不确定性**

   - "There's a chance that we might have to cancel the meeting."(我们可能不得不取消会议。)

   - "There's a small chance he'll change his mind."(他有可能会改变主意。)

4. **在建议或警告中使用**

   - "Take advantage of this opportunity; there won't be another chance like this."(抓住这次机会,不会有第二次这样的机会了。)

   - "Be careful, there's always a chance of accidents when working with machinery."(小心点,操作机器时总会有发生意外的风险。)


1. **Probability**: 强调数学或统计上的可能性,通常用于科学或正式的语境。

   - "The probability of rain is 70%."(下雨的概率是70%。)

2. **Likelihood**: 比 "chance" 更正式,但不那么精确,通常用于日常对话中。

   - "The likelihood of him arriving late is quite high."(他迟到的可能性相当高。)

3. **Odds**: 常用于赌博或风险相关的场景,表示获胜或发生的可能性。

   - "The odds are against us winning the game."(我们赢得比赛的赔率很低。)

4. **Possibility**: 强调某事可能发生,但不一定一定会发生。

   - "There's a possibility that we might move to another city."(我们可能会搬到另一个城市。)

5. **Shot**: 非正式用法,常用于口语中,表示尝试或机会。

   - "You've got a shot at getting the job if you prepare well for the interview."(如果你面试准备充分,你有机会得到这份工作。)