"Be certain to do sth" 是一个英语短语,表达的是“一定要做某事”或“确保做某事”的意思。它强调的是行动的必要性和确定性,通常用来给建议或指示,或者表达说话人的强烈意愿。


1. 作为祈使句,用于给出命令或建议:

   - "Be certain to lock the door when you leave."(离开时一定要锁门。)

2. 表达说话人对某个事件的强烈预期:

   - "I'm certain to see you at the party tonight."(今晚的派对上我一定会见到你。)

3. 强调重要性:

   - "Be certain to study for the exam thoroughly."(一定要充分准备考试。)


1. **Make sure to do sth**: 这个短语也表示“确保做某事”,与"be certain to do sth"含义相近,但语气稍微轻一些。

   - "Make sure to bring your umbrella, it might rain later."(确保带上雨伞,后面可能会下雨。)

2. **Make certain that +从句**: 这种表达方式更正式,常用于书面语中,强调确保某事发生。

   - "Make certain that all the guests are comfortable at the event."(确保活动中的所有客人都感到舒适。)

3. **Be sure to do sth**: 这个短语和前两者相似,也用于强调必须完成某事。

   - "Be sure to return the book by Friday."(周五之前一定要把书还回去。)

4. **Don't forget to do sth**: 虽然语气比上述短语稍弱,但也表达了同样的意思,提醒对方不要忘记做某事。

   - "Don't forget to take your medicine after dinner."(晚饭后别忘了吃药。)


1. Be certain to book your flight well in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.(一定要提前预订机票,以免最后一刻出现麻烦。)

2. Before submitting the form, be certain to check all the details carefully.(在提交表格之前,一定要仔细检查所有的细节。)

3. In the meeting, be certain to express your opinions clearly and confidently.(在会议上,一定要清楚、自信地表达你的观点。)

4. She was certain to win the race, and she did.(她一定会赢得比赛,果然她赢了。)

5. Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.(离开房间时别忘了关灯。)