**catch sb's eye** 这个短语在英语中表示“引起某人的注意”或“吸引某人的眼球”。它常用来描述一个事物因为其独特性、吸引力或者显著特征而引起了他人的关注。


- catch (one's) eye: 使(某人)看见;引起(某人)的注意

- This phrase typically implies that something is visually appealing, distinctive, or noteworthy enough to gain someone's attention.


1. The bright red dress really **caught my eye** in the store window.


2. The unusual painting **caught the visitors' eyes** as soon as they entered the gallery.


3. His creative resume **caught the employer's eye** and landed him an interview.


4. The exotic flower arrangement **caught her eye** from across the room.



1. **draw one's attention**: 这个短语也有“引起某人的注意”的意思,但更强调主动地引导注意力。

   - The sound of the siren drew everyone's attention immediately.


2. **grab one's attention**: 与"catch one's eye"相似,这个短语强调突然且强烈的吸引力。

   - The headline grabbed my attention right away.


3. **attract one's gaze**: 强调某物或某事吸引了视线并保持了关注。

   - The stunning view from the balcony attracted our gaze for a long time.


4. **be noticeable**: 更侧重于某事物本身具有显著的特点,使得人们无法忽视。

   - The towering skyscraper is noticeable from miles away.
