"Be careless about/with" 是一个英语短语,表示对某事或某物缺乏关心、粗心大意或者不重视。这个短语通常用于描述一个人对待事物的态度或行为,暗示了疏忽或轻率。"Careless" 是形容词,意思是“粗心的”、“马虎的”或“不小心的”。


1. She's always careless about her appearance, which often leads to misunderstandings in social situations. (她总是对自己的外表毫不在意,这经常在社交场合引起误解。)

2. He was careless with the valuable vase, and it ended up getting broken. (他对那只贵重的花瓶太粗心了,结果把它打碎了。)


1. **Neglectful**: 这个词强调的是有意或无意的忽视,例如 "He is neglectful of his duties." (他忽视了他的职责。)

2. **Inattentive**: 指注意力不集中,常常是由于分心或专注力不足造成的,如 "She was inattentive during the lecture." (她在讲座中没有专心。)

3. **Reckless**: 表示不顾后果的鲁莽行为,例如 "It was reckless of him to drive so fast." (他开那么快真是鲁莽。)

4. **Disregardful**: 这个词表示对某事的无视或不尊重,如 "He was disregardful of their concerns." (他对他们的担忧置若罔闻。)

5. **Indifferent**: 指对某事漠不关心,如 "She was indifferent to the outcome of the election." (她对选举结果漠不关心。)



- "Careless mistakes" 意为“粗心的错误”,指的是由于注意力不集中或疏忽导致的错误。

- "Careless driving" 指的是“鲁莽驾驶”,可能引起交通事故。

- "Carelessly thrown away" 用来描述某物被随意丢弃,比如 "He carelessly threw away the important letter." (他随手扔掉了那封重要的信。)