"Care for"是一个动词短语,具有多种含义。它最常用于表示对某人或某事的关心、照顾或喜爱。在不同的语境中,它可以翻译为“关心”,“照顾”,“喜欢”或“担忧”。

1. 表示关心或关注:I care for the environment and always try to reduce my carbon footprint.(我关心环境,总是努力减少碳足迹。)

2. 指照顾:She is caring for her elderly mother who is unwell.(她在照顾生病的年迈母亲。)

3. 表示喜欢:Do you care for tea or coffee?(你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?)

4. 表示担忧:I really care for your well-being, so please take care.(我很关心你的健康,所以请保重。)


1. 与宾语直接搭配:I care for you deeply.(我深深地关心你。)

2. 后接不定式:She asked me to care for her plants while she was away.(她让我在她不在的时候照顾她的植物。)

3. 与介词"about"连用:He doesn't seem to care about his grades.(他似乎不在乎他的成绩。)


1. Could you care for the children while I'm cooking dinner?(我做晚饭时,你能照顾孩子们吗?)

2. She cares for her patients with great compassion.(她以极大的同情心照顾病人。)

3. He doesn't care for sports, but he enjoys reading.(他不喜欢运动,但他喜欢阅读。)

4. The elderly couple cares for each other in their old age.(这对老夫妇在晚年互相照顾。)


1. **Love**: "Love"表达的情感比"care for"更深,通常涉及到更强烈的情感和承诺。例如:I love you more than anything in this world.(我爱你胜过这世上的一切。)

2. **Concern**: "Concern"通常用于正式或客观的语境,表示对某事的关注或担忧。例如:The rising pollution levels are a matter of concern for everyone.(污染水平的上升是每个人都应关注的问题。)

3. **Attend to**: "Attend to"侧重于实际行动的照顾,如处理问题或照顾病患。例如:She had to attend to her injured friend immediately.(她必须立即照顾她受伤的朋友。)

4. **Worry about**: "Worry about"强调的是焦虑和担忧,通常用于负面情境。例如:Don't worry about the exam, you've prepared well.(别担心考试,你准备得很好了。)