**Care About Sth: 句子释义与用法**


**英文解释:**To be concerned about or interested in something; to attach importance to a matter.


1. **动宾结构**:常用于表达对某事的关心程度或对某人、某事的关注。

   - 例句1(中文):她非常关心孩子们的学习情况。

       - Sentence1 (English): She cares greatly about the children's academic performance.

   - 例句2(中文):他开始关心环保问题,积极参与公益活动。

       - Sentence2 (English): He has started to care about environmental issues and actively participates in public welfare activities.

2. **比较级与最高级**:可用于表达关心程度的比较或强调。

   - 例句3(中文):比起聚会,我更关心你的健康。

       - Sentence3 (English): I care more about your health than the party.

   - 例句4(中文):这是我最关心的事情。

       - Sentence4 (English): This is what I care about most.

3. **否定形式**:表示不关心或不在乎。

   - 例句5(中文):我对你的私生活一点也不关心。

       - Sentence5 (English): I don't care at all about your personal life.

4. **疑问句**:询问对方是否关心某事。

   - 例句6(中文):你是否在乎我们的友谊?

       - Sentence6 (English): Do you care about our friendship?

5. **祈使句**:要求或建议对方关心某事。

   - 例句7(中文):请你务必关心这个问题。

       - Sentence7 (English): Please do care about this issue.


1. **Worry About**:通常指因为担忧或焦虑而关心。例如:

   - 例句8(中文):他担心她的安全。

       - Sentence8 (English): He worries about her safety.

2. **Be Concerned About**:强调对某事的担忧或关切。例如:

   - 例句9(中文):我们都非常关心气候变化的影响。

       - Sentence9 (English): We are all deeply concerned about the impact of climate change.

3. **Take an Interest In**:表达对某事的积极关注和兴趣。例如:

   - 例句10(中文):她开始对烹饪艺术产生兴趣。

       - Sentence10 (English): She began to take an interest in culinary arts.

4. **Be Attached To**:在情感上对某人或某事有深厚的感情。例如:

   - 例句11(中文):他对他的家乡有着深深的依恋。

       - Sentence11 (English): He is deeply attached to his hometown.