"Answer a call" 是一个英语短语,其基本含义是回应或响应一个电话、邀请、请求或召唤。在更广泛的意义上,它也可以表示对某个挑战、职责或机会的响应。这个短语强调的是积极的行动,即对某种召唤或需要采取的回应。

1. 基本用法:

   - 在电话通信的上下文中,"answer a call" 指的是接电话。例如:"I saw the phone ringing, so I quickly answered the call."(我看到电话响了,所以我迅速接了电话。)

2. 用于响应邀请或请求:

   - "She answered his call for help by offering to babysit."(她通过主动提出帮忙照看孩子来响应他的求助。)

3. 表示响应挑战或号召:

   - "Many volunteers answered the call to help rebuild the hurricane-damaged town."(许多志愿者响应了重建飓风受灾小镇的号召。)

4. 在法律或道德责任的语境中:

   - "As a doctor, he felt obligated to answer the call of duty."(作为一名医生,他觉得有义务响应职责的召唤。)


1. Respond to: 这个短语与 "answer a call" 类似,都表示对某事的回应。例如:"They responded to the emergency promptly."(他们迅速地应对了紧急情况。)

2. Attend to: 当涉及到处理或照顾某事时,"attend to" 可以与 "answer a call" 替换。例如:"He attended to the customer's complaint immediately."(他立即处理了顾客的投诉。)

3. Obey/Comply with: 这两个短语在指遵循命令或规则时与 "answer a call" 的概念相符。例如:"The soldiers obeyed the general's call to arms."(士兵们遵从将军的战斗号召。)

4. Meet: 在某些情况下,"meet" 也可用来表示响应或满足需求。例如:"We must meet the demand for more affordable housing."(我们必须满足对更多可负担住房的需求。)