**Call up** 是一个动词短语,有多种含义,主要的解释包括:

1. **打电话给某人**:指的是通过电话联系或召唤某人。

2. **召集,征召**:通常用于军事或紧急情况,指官方或组织召唤人们集合或服役。

3. **唤醒,唤起**:指使回忆、记忆或感情重新出现。

4. **提升,提拔**:在体育或职业领域,将某人从较低级别的团队晋升到较高级别的团队。

5. **提出,提及**:在讨论或辩论中提到某个话题或观点。

### 用法

#### 1. 打电话给某人

- 例句:She called up her friend to discuss the party plans. (她打电话给她的朋友讨论聚会计划。)

- 例句:I'll call you up later tonight. (我今晚晚些时候给你打电话。)

#### 2. 召集,征召

- 例句:The government called up reservists in response to the border conflict. (政府因边境冲突征召了预备役人员。)

- 例句:In times of war, young men are often called up for military service. (在战争时期,年轻人常常被征召服兵役。)

#### 3. 唤醒,唤起

- 例句:The smell of fresh coffee called up memories of his childhood. (新鲜咖啡的味道勾起了他童年的回忆。)

- 例句:The sound of the ocean always calls up feelings of peace and tranquility. (海洋的声音总是让人想起平静和宁静的感觉。)

#### 4. 提升,提拔

- 例句:The talented rookie was called up to the major league team. (这位才华横溢的新秀被提拔到了大联盟球队。)

- 例句:After several impressive performances, he was called up to the first team. (经过几场出色的表现,他被提升到了一线队。)

#### 5. 提出,提及

- 例句:During the meeting, she called up the issue of employee benefits. (在会议上,她提到了员工福利的问题。)

- 例句:He called up the need for increased funding in his speech. (他在演讲中提到了增加资金的需求。)

### 同义词辨析

- **Contact**: 比较通用,可以指任何形式的联系,包括打电话、发邮件等。

- **Ring up**: 主要指打电话,与"call up"相似,但更常用于英式英语。

- **Summon**: 强调权威性的召唤,通常用于正式或紧急情况。

- **Revoke**: 意为召回或撤销,常用于撤销命令或邀请。

- **Invoke**: 指唤起或引用,通常用于法律、宗教或精神层面。