**"Do business"** 是一个英语短语,主要表示“从事商业活动”或“进行交易”的意思。它涵盖了从日常买卖到大规模的企业运营等各种商业行为。此外,这个短语也可以引申为“处理事务”或“打交道”的含义。

### 一、基本释义:

1. **从事商业活动**

   - To engage in commercial activities or trade.

   - 例如:Our company does business with several major manufacturers. (我们公司与几家大型制造商有业务往来。)

2. **进行交易**

   - To transact or deal with another party.

   - 例如:They do business on a cash basis. (他们以现金交易。)

3. **处理事务**

   - To handle or manage matters, especially official ones.

   - 例如:I need to do some personal business before I can start working. (我需要先处理一些私事才能开始工作。)

### 二、用法例句:

1. **在商业环境中**

   - The new startup is doing brisk business since its launch. (这家新创公司在成立以来生意兴隆。)

   - They decided to do business together after several rounds of negotiations. (经过几轮谈判,他们决定合作经营。)

2. **在交易场景**

   - I always do business with suppliers who offer good quality and competitive prices. (我总是和那些提供优质且价格合理的产品的供应商做生意。)

   - The store doesn't do business on Sundays. (这家商店周日不营业。)

3. **在处理事务的场合**

   - Can you do some business for me while you're at the post office? (你在邮局的时候能帮我办点事吗?)

   - She's too busy doing business to attend the meeting. (她忙于处理事务,无法参加会议。)

### 三、同义词辨析:

1. **Carry out transactions**

   - This phrase emphasizes the act of exchanging goods or services for money.

   - 例如:We carry out transactions with our clients daily. (我们每天都与客户进行交易。)

2. **Engage in commerce**

   - This phrase is more formal and often refers to larger-scale business operations.

   - 例如:The port city engages in commerce with countries around the world. (这个港口城市与世界各地的国家进行贸易。)

3. **Run a company**

   - This term specifically refers to managing and operating a business entity.

   - 例如:He runs a successful company that specializes in software development. (他经营着一家专门从事软件开发的成功公司。)

4. ** Conduct affairs**

   - This phrase is broader and can include both professional and personal matters.

   - 例如:She conducts her personal affairs with great efficiency. (她处理个人事务非常高效。)

5. **Handle dealings**

   - This term is similar to "do business" and implies interactions or negotiations between parties.

   - 例如:We need to handle dealings with our partners carefully. (我们需要谨慎处理与合作伙伴的事务。)