"catch a bus" 是一个动词短语,意为“赶上公交车”,通常指的是成功地在公交车到达或离开之前到达车站并上了车。这个短语强调的是及时性和行动的成功。


1. **基本用法:** "I always try to leave home early so I can catch the 7am bus."(我总是尽量早点出门,以便能赶上7点的公交车。)

2. **否定形式:** "If you don't hurry up, you'll miss the bus."(如果你不快点,你会错过公交车。)

3. **疑问句:** "Did you catch the bus this morning?"(你今早赶上公交车了吗?)

4. **感叹句:** "What a relief! I just caught the bus!"(太好了!我刚好赶上了公交车!)


1. **miss a bus:** 相反于 "catch a bus","miss a bus" 意为“错过公交车”,即未能及时赶到车站或者公交车已经离开。例如:"I overslept and missed the bus."(我睡过头了,错过了公交车。)

2. **hail a bus:** 这个短语指的是向公交车招手以示意停车,通常用于没有固定车站的情况。例如:"She hailed a bus on the street corner."(她在街角向一辆公交车挥手示意。)

3. **board a bus:** "board" 有“登上”的意思,"board a bus" 指的是上公交车,但不强调是否及时。例如:"After showing my ticket, I boarded the bus."(出示车票后,我登上了公交车。)

4. **get on a bus:** 与 "board a bus" 类似,"get on a bus" 也单纯表示上公交车的动作,不涉及是否及时。例如:"The children got on the bus one by one."(孩子们一个接一个地上了公交车。)