"Bring up" 是一个动词短语,在英语中有着多种含义,主要可以表示以下几个方面:

1. **养育/抚养**:指照顾并教育一个孩子或动物,使其长大。例如:

   - "My parents brought me up to respect others."(我的父母把我养大,教我要尊重他人。)

   - "She brings up her puppies with great care."(她精心地抚养她的小狗。)

2. **提出/提及**:在讨论或对话中提出某个话题或问题。例如:

   - "He brought up the issue of salary during the meeting."(他在会议中提出了薪水问题。)

   - "Can you bring up the subject of promotion in your next staff meeting?"(你能在下次的员工会议上提出晋升的话题吗?)

3. **呕吐**:使某人感到恶心,导致其呕吐。例如:

   - "The strong smell made him bring up his lunch."(那股强烈的气味让他吐了午饭。)

   - "After drinking too much, she had to be brought up."(喝得太多后,她不得不去呕吐。)

4. **提升/提高**:使某事物到达或达到一个更高的位置或水平。例如:

   - "The company is working on bringing up their sales figures."(公司正在努力提高销售额。)

   - "Regular exercise can help bring up your overall fitness level."(定期锻炼可以帮助提高你的整体健康水平。)


1. **Raise**:与"bring up"在"养育"和"提出"这两个意义上非常相似,但"raise"通常用于更正式的场合,如在法律或教育环境中。

   - "They raised their son to be a responsible adult."(他们把儿子培养成了一个有责任感的成年人。)

   - "The lawyer raised the matter of discrimination in the workplace."(律师提出了工作场所的歧视问题。)

2. **Elevate**:在"提升"的意义上与"bring up"相近,但"elevate"更强调精神或地位的提升。

   - "The new project aims to elevate the company's reputation."(新项目旨在提升公司的声誉。)

   - "His dedication and hard work elevated him to the position of CEO."(他的奉献和努力使他升任CEO一职。)

3. **Vomit**:在"呕吐"的意义上,"vomit"是更直接和口语化的表达,而"bring up"在这一情境下则较为委婉。

   - "She felt so sick that she vomited."(她感到如此不适以至于呕吐了。)

   - "The medicine made him bring up everything he had eaten."(那种药让他把吃的东西都吐了出来。)