"Bring Out"是一个动词短语,主要表示“引出”,“使显现”或“突出”的意思。它可以指实际的物理动作,如把物品从一个地方拿出来,也可以指抽象的概念,如激发某人的潜力或特征。

1. 物理意义:将某物从隐藏或不明显的地方取出或呈现出来。

2. 抽象意义:揭示或强调某人或某事物的内在特质、能力或情感。


1. To cause something to come from a hidden or less visible place.

2. To reveal or emphasize an inherent quality, ability, or feeling in someone or something.


1. 他从书包里拿出了一本书。He brought out a book from his backpack.

2. 这首歌真的带出了她的歌唱才华。This song really brings out her singing talent.

3. 暖色调的灯光能带出家具的质感。Warm lighting can bring out the texture of furniture.

4. 老师的鼓励带出了他的自信。The teacher's encouragement brought out his confidence.


1. He brought out a book from his backpack.

2. This song really brings out her singing talent.

3. Warm lighting can bring out the texture of furniture.

4. The teacher's encouragement brought out his confidence.


1. **Elicit**: 强调通过询问、刺激或引导来提取信息或反应。例如:The interviewer elicited her thoughts on the subject. (面试官引出了她对这个话题的想法。)

2. **Reveal**: 更侧重于揭示秘密、真相或未知的事物。例如:The investigation revealed the truth behind the incident. (调查揭示了事件背后的真相。)

3. **Display**: 常用于展示物品或特性,具有展示给他人看的含义。例如:The museum is displaying ancient artifacts. (博物馆正在展出古代文物。)

4. **Expose**: 除了表示揭示外,还可能涉及暴露在某种环境中。例如:The experiment exposed the plants to extreme cold. (实验将植物暴露在极寒的环境中。)