"Break out"是一个动词短语,主要表示“突然发生”或“爆发”的意思,通常用于描述事件、情感或疾病的突然出现。此外,它还可以指“冲出”或“逃脱”,表示从某个限制或束缚中突然解脱。

1. 突然发生,爆发:The flu broke out in the city last winter.

2. 冲出,逃脱:The prisoner managed to break out of the prison.

3. 表达强烈情感:When she heard the news, tears broke out in her eyes.


1. 用作不及物动词短语,后面不接宾语:The fire broke out in the building.

2. 用作及物动语短语,后面接宾语:The rebels broke out of the besieged city.


1. A violent storm broke out during our journey, making the road conditions treacherous. (暴风雨在我们旅行中突然发生,使得路况变得非常危险。)

2. The news of his victory broke out in the stadium, causing an explosion of cheers. (他胜利的消息在体育场突然传出,引发了热烈的欢呼。)

3. The tiger broke out of its cage, causing panic among the visitors. (那只老虎冲出了笼子,引起了游客的恐慌。)


1. **Erupt** - 常用来形容火山爆发或情感的突然爆发,如:The volcano erupted, spewing lava into the sky. (火山爆发,岩浆喷向天空。)

2. **Burst** - 通常表示突然而猛烈的动作,如:The pipe burst, flooding the basement with water. (水管爆裂,地下室被水淹没。)

3. **Escape** - 更侧重于从某个地方或情况中逃脱,如:She escaped from the burning building. (她从着火的大楼里逃了出来。)

4. **Flare up** - 常用于描述疾病、情绪或冲突的突然加剧,如:The pain in his back flared up after hours of sitting. (坐了几个小时后,他的背部疼痛加剧。)