"Break Away" - 释义与用法

## 1. 释义

**Break Away** 是一个动词短语,主要用来表示突然或决定性地脱离某种情况、关系或习惯。这个短语强调的是主动且有力的分离行为,通常带有摆脱束缚、挣脱限制或开始新生活的含义。

## 2. 用法

### 2.1 直接用法

- 从物理束缚中解脱:She finally broke away from the crowd and ran towards the exit. (她终于从人群中挣脱出来,向出口跑去。)

- 从情感或心理依赖中解脱:After years of living in his father's shadow, he decided to break away and start his own business. (在父亲的阴影下生活多年后,他决定自立门户,开创自己的事业。)

- 从习惯或行为模式中解脱:To improve her health, she broke away from her sedentary lifestyle and began exercising regularly. (为了改善健康,她摆脱了久坐不动的生活方式,开始定期锻炼。)

### 2.2 与介词搭配

- 从某人或某事中脱离:They broke away from the old political party to form a new one. (他们脱离了旧的政党,成立了新的政党。)

- 从某种状态或环境中解脱:The young musician broke away from the traditional style and developed his own unique sound. (这位年轻的音乐家摆脱了传统风格,发展出了自己独特的音乐风格。)

## 3. 同义词辨析

- **Escape**: 强调从危险、困境或追捕中逃脱,不一定是主动的脱离。例如:The prisoner managed to escape from the prison. (囚犯设法从监狱逃走了。)

- **Flee**: 通常用于紧急情况,有逃避或逃跑的意思。例如:When the fire started, everyone fled the building. (火灾发生时,所有人都逃离了大楼。)

- **Separate**: 更侧重于物理上的分离,不涉及主观意愿。例如:The two pieces of metal separated when I hit them with a hammer. (当我用锤子敲打时,两块金属分开了。)

- **Divorce**: 特指婚姻关系的解除。例如:After years of unhappy marriage, they decided to divorce. (经过多年的不幸福婚姻,他们决定离婚。)

- **Emancipate**: 常用于比喻,表示从某种束缚或奴役中解放出来。例如:The country emancipated itself from colonial rule in the early 20th century. (这个国家在20世纪初摆脱了殖民统治。)

## 4. 实际应用例句

- 英文:The young artist broke away from his mentor's influence to explore his own creative vision. (这位年轻的艺术家摆脱了导师的影响,去探索自己的创作视野。)

- 中文:这位年轻的艺术家不再受导师的影响,开始追求自己的艺术理念。