break one's word 句子释义和用法例句及同义词辨析

## 一、释义

"Break one's word" 是一个英语短语,意为“食言”或“违背诺言”。它描述了一个人没有履行他之前所承诺的行为,即不遵守自己说过的话。这个短语常用来表达对某人不守信用的批评或失望。

## 二、用法

1. **动宾结构**:通常以 "break one's word" 作为动词短语,后面可以接宾语,表示具体违背了什么承诺。

   - 例句:He promised to help me, but he broke his word and didn't show up.


2. **独立使用**:有时,"break one's word" 可以单独使用,作为句子的主语或谓语,表达行为本身。

   - 例句:Breaking one's word is a sign of dishonesty.


3. **比较级和最高级**:这个短语可以用于比较级和最高级形式,表示程度上的不同。

   - 例句:She's more likely to break her word than he is.


   - 例句:This is the worst time you've ever broken your word to me.


## 三、例句

1. She always breaks her word, so I can't trust her anymore.


2. After promising to keep it a secret, he broke his word and told everyone.


3. It's disappointing when someone you respect breaks their word.


## 四、同义词辨析

1. **Reneging on a promise**:与 "break one's word" 类似,意味着撤销或违背先前的承诺。

   - 例句:She reneged on her promise to pay back the loan.


2. **Going back on one's word**:这个短语也表示收回或违背诺言,通常含有后悔或改变主意的意思。

   - 例句:He went back on his word about attending the meeting.


3. **Failing to keep one's word**:这个表达强调未能履行诺言,通常带有一种责备的语气。

   - 例句:You're failing to keep your word by not showing up on time.


4. **Backing out**:这个短语多用于指在最后一刻放弃或退出,尤其是在约定或协议中。

   - 例句:He backed out of the deal at the last minute, leaving us in a difficult situation.
