"Both ... and ..." 是一个并列连词短语,用于连接两个相同类型的词或短语,表示两者都包含在内,强调同时性或并存性。这个结构通常用来表达对两个事物或概念的同等重视,指出它们是相互关联的,或者在某种情况下都是重要的。

### 一、基本用法

1. **并列主语**:当"both ... and ..."连接两个名词或代词时,它们共同作为句子的主语。

   例句:Both Tom and Jerry are good at playing football. (汤姆和杰瑞都擅长踢足球。)

2. **并列谓语**:如果主语是单数,谓语动词应该使用单数形式;如果主语是复数,谓语动词应使用复数形式。

   例句:Both books are interesting. (这两本书都很有趣。)

3. **并列宾语**:"both ... and ..." 连接的宾语也需要保持一致。

   例句:I like both apples and oranges. (我喜欢苹果和橙子。)

4. **并列定语**:可以用来连接两个形容词或短语,共同修饰一个名词。

   例句:She is both smart and hardworking. (她既聪明又勤奋。)

### 二、同义词辨析

1. **Not only ..., but also ...**:这个结构也表示两者都重要,但更强调后者。例如:"Not only do I love music, but also I play several instruments." (我不仅热爱音乐,还会演奏几种乐器。)

2. **Either ... or ...**:这个结构用于选择,表示两者之一,而非两者都。例如:"Either you go with us or stay at home." (你要么跟我们一起去,要么待在家里。)

3. **Neither ... nor ...**:这个结构表示两者都不,否定两者。例如:"Neither John nor Mary came to the party." (约翰和玛丽都没来参加聚会。)

4. **As well as**:这个短语用来连接两个同等重要的事物,但强调的是前者。例如:"She is an artist as well as a musician." (她既是艺术家也是音乐家。)

### 三、例句

1. Both my parents work in the same hospital.

2. The company values both innovation and tradition.

3. He is both intelligent and modest, which makes him popular among his peers.

4. We need to consider both the short-term and long-term consequences of our actions.