## On Board: 句子释义、用法及同义词辨析

### 1. 句子释义

"On board" 是一个英语短语,主要表示“在(交通工具)上”或“加入(组织、项目等)”。它由介词 "on" 和名词 "board" 组成,具有以下两种主要含义:

1. 在船上、飞机上、火车上等交通工具上:

   - "There are 200 passengers on board the flight to New York." (这趟飞往纽约的航班上有200名乘客。)

2. 加入、参与或成为某个组织、团队或项目的一部分:

   - "She's now on board with the new marketing strategy." (她现在支持新的营销策略。)

### 2. 用法例句

#### 交通工具上的用法:

- "Please ensure all your luggage is safely stowed on board before departure." (请在起飞前确保所有行李都已安全放在飞机上。)

- "The cruise ship has a variety of entertainment options on board for passengers." (游轮上为乘客提供了各种娱乐选择。)

- "He was on board the train when it suddenly came to a halt." (火车突然停下来时,他在上面。)

#### 加入或参与的用法:

- "We're thrilled to have John on board as our new CEO." (我们很高兴约翰作为新任CEO加入我们。)

- "The company welcomed three new members on board last week." (上周,公司欢迎了三位新成员加入。)

- "Once you're on board with the project, we'll assign specific tasks to you." (一旦你加入项目,我们将为你分配具体任务。)

### 3. 同义词辨析

#### 交通工具上的同义词:

- "aboard": 这个词与 "on board" 意思相同,但通常在正式或文学语境中使用,例如 "All passengers must be aboard 15 minutes before departure." (所有乘客必须在起飞前15分钟登机。)

#### 加入或参与的同义词:

- "join": 表示成为某个组织或团队的一员,例如 "He decided to join the local theater group." (他决定加入当地的戏剧团体。)

- "participate": 强调参与活动或过程,例如 "Everyone is encouraged to participate in the team-building exercises." (鼓励所有人参加团队建设活动。)

- "come onboard": 这个短语与 "on board" 在加入含义上是同义的,例如 "We're looking for volunteers to come onboard and help with the charity event." (我们正在寻找志愿者来参与慈善活动。)