**Blow Out: 句子释义、用法及同义词辨析**

**1. 句子释义**

"Blow out"是一个英语短语,具有多种含义,主要可以解释为以下几点:

A. **熄灭(火或灯)**

   - "He blew out the candle before going to bed."

   在这个用法中,"blow out"表示用吹气的方式熄灭火光,如蜡烛、火柴等。

B. **爆炸,破裂**

   - "The tire suddenly blew out on the highway."


C. **庆祝(生日等)**

   - "We're having a party to blow out her 30th birthday."

   在庆祝场合,"blow out"常与“candles”连用,表示吹熄生日蛋糕上的蜡烛,象征着庆祝和许愿。

D. **失败,垮掉**

   - "Their chances of winning blew out when their star player got injured."

   在这种情况下,"blow out"表示希望或计划因为某种原因破灭或失败。

**2. 用法示例**

A. 熄灭

   - "After finishing his story, he blew out the lantern, plunging the room into darkness."


B. 爆炸

   - "The boiler blew out, causing a massive explosion in the factory."


C. 庆祝

   - "The kids were excited to blow out the candles on their birthday cake."


D. 失败

   - "The team's morale blew out after losing the crucial game."


**3. 同义词辨析**

- **Extinguish**: 此词更正式,通常用于熄灭火源,如"extinguish a fire"。

- **Explode**: 更侧重于物理上的爆炸,如"the bomb exploded"。

- **Crash**: 通常用于描述事件或计划的突然失败,如"a project crashing"。

- **Deflate**: 当用于轮胎或气球时,表示放气或瘪掉,如"deflate a balloon"。

- **Fold**: 在表示某事物垮掉或失败时,"fold"有类似含义,如"a business folding"。