"Blow down" 是一个动词短语,主要在英语中使用,具有多种含义。最常见的是指“吹倒”或“吹落”,常用于描述强风或其他气流力量对物体产生的物理效果,如树木、建筑物或轻型结构。此外,它也可以指情感上的崩溃或精神上的瓦解,比如“情绪崩溃”或“信心崩溃”。


1. **物理意义:**

   - The strong wind blew down several trees in the park during the storm. (暴风雨中,公园里有几棵树被风吹倒了。)

   - The hurricane was so powerful that it blew down the entire house. (飓风如此猛烈,以至于整个房子都被吹倒了。)

2. **情感或精神意义:**

   - After hearing the bad news, she just blew down and couldn't stop crying. (听到这个坏消息后,她崩溃了,哭个不停。)

   - His confidence blew down when he failed the exam. (他考试失败后,自信心受到了重挫。)


1. **Knock down** - 与 "blow down" 相似,也表示“吹倒”或“撞倒”。例如:

   - The car knocked down the traffic sign. (汽车撞倒了交通标志。)

2. **Collapse** - 更强调事物自身的倒塌或垮塌,不一定是由于外力。例如:

   - The old building suddenly collapsed due to its poor structure. (那座旧建筑因结构不佳而突然倒塌。)

3. **Fall down** - 比较通用,可以指人或物因失去支撑或外力影响而下落。例如:

   - He fell down when he missed a step on the stairs. (他在楼梯上踩空了,摔倒了。)

4. **Break down** - 在情感或精神层面上,"break down" 与 "blow down" 相似,但更常用于描述个人情绪崩溃。例如:

   - She broke down in tears after the breakup. (分手后,她痛哭失声。)

5. **Crash** - 在某些情况下,"crash" 可以替换 "blow down",尤其当涉及强烈撞击或冲击时。例如:

   - The plane crashed into the mountain, causing a massive explosion. (飞机撞上了山,引发了大爆炸。)