"Give birth to" 是一个英语短语,意为“生育,生下(孩子)”,通常用来描述女性分娩的过程或者创造、诞生新事物的情况。这个短语不仅限于生物意义上的生育,也可以用于比喻,表示某种想法、计划或创新的产生。


"Give birth to" is an English phrase that means "to deliver a baby" or "to bring something into existence." It is commonly used to describe the process of childbirth in women, but it can also be employed metaphorically to indicate the creation or birth of new ideas, plans, or innovations.


1. After nine months of pregnancy, she finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy.


2. The composer gave birth to a beautiful symphony that touched the hearts of many.


3. Their collaboration gave birth to a groundbreaking technology that revolutionized the industry.


4. The artist's fertile imagination gave birth to countless masterpieces over the years.


5. The heated debate gave birth to a new understanding of the issue among participants.



1. **Bear**: 与 "give birth to" 意思相近,常用于描述生育或忍受痛苦的过程。例如:She bore a daughter last week. (她上周生了个女儿。)

2. **Bring forth**: 除了表示生育,还可以指产生或提出。例如:The research brought forth new insights into the problem. (这项研究带来了对问题的新见解。)

3. **Produce**: 强调制造、产生或创作的过程,可涵盖物质产品和抽象概念。例如:Their hard work produced excellent results. (他们的辛勤工作产生了出色的结果。)

4. **Spawn**: 常用于比喻,表示大量产生或引发。例如:The new policy spawned a wave of protests. (新政策引发了抗议浪潮。)

5. **Create**: 指创造或发明新的事物,可以是物质的,也可以是非物质的。例如:The artist created a stunning sculpture from a single piece of marble. (艺术家用一块大理石创造出了一件令人惊叹的雕塑。)

在选择这些同义词时,需要考虑上下文的语境和词汇的正式程度。"Give birth to" 通常更侧重于实际的生育过程或比喻上的“诞生”,而其他词汇则可能适用于更广泛的场合。