### 1. Grasp

**中文释义**: 抓住,理解

**英文解释**: To take or hold something firmly with your hand or hands; to understand or comprehend an idea or concept.


- She grasped the doorknob and turned it. (她抓住了门把手并转动它。)

- He grasped the meaning of the poem after reading it twice. (他读了两遍后理解了这首诗的含义。)

### 2. Clasp

**中文释义**: 扣住,紧抱

**英文解释**: To fasten together by means of a clasp or buckle; to hold someone or something tightly in one's arms.


- The necklace has a beautiful gold clasp. (这条项链有一个漂亮的金色扣环。)

- They clasp each other in a warm embrace. (他们紧紧地拥抱在一起。)

### 3. Clutch

**中文释义**: 紧握,抓取

**英文解释**: To grip something tightly, especially with sudden force; to seize or grab something suddenly.


- The bird clutched the worm firmly in its beak. (那只鸟用喙紧紧地抓住了虫子。)

- In a panic, she clutched her purse tightly. (她惊慌失措地紧紧抓住她的手提包。)

### 4. Seize

**中文释义**: 抓住,夺取

**英文解释**: To take hold of something quickly and forcefully; to capture or obtain something suddenly or unexpectedly.


- The police seized the suspect without warning. (警察未经警告就逮捕了嫌疑人。)

- She seized the opportunity to apply for the job. (她抓住机会申请了那份工作。)

### 5. Snatch

**中文释义**: 快速抓取,抢夺

**英文解释**: To take something quickly and suddenly, often in a forceful or violent way; to grab something hastily.


- The thief snatched the purse from her handbag. (小偷从她的手提包里迅速抢走了钱包。)

- The child snatched the toy from his sibling's hand. (孩子从兄弟姐妹手中迅速拿走了玩具。)

### 6. Grab

**中文释义**: 抓住,夺取

**英文解释**: To seize or take hold of something quickly and roughly; to get or obtain something easily or suddenly.


- He grabbed the book off the shelf before anyone else could reach it. (他在其他人够到之前迅速从书架上拿起了那本书。)

- She grabbed a quick snack before leaving for work. (她在上班前匆匆吃了点东西。)

### 7. Grip

**中文释义**: 握住,抓紧

**英文解释**: To hold something firmly in one's hand; to have a firm grasp or control on something.


- He had a strong grip on the steering wheel as he drove through the storm. (他在暴风雨中开车时紧紧握住方向盘。)

- Her confidence gave her a good grip on the situation. (她的自信使她对情况有了很好的把握。)
