"Agree with" 是一个在英语中常用的动词短语,表示同意、赞同某人的观点或情况符合某事物。它有多种含义,我们将在以下部分详细解释并提供相应的例句,同时也会对一些相关的同义短语进行辨析。

1. 表示同意或赞同:

   当 "agree with" 用于表达同意某人意见或看法时,它的意思是“与…意见一致”或“赞同…”。



   - I agree with you that we should start the meeting earlier. (我同意我们应该早点开始会议。)

   - She agrees with her teacher's assessment of her performance. (她同意老师对她表现的评价。)

   同义短语:concur with, be in agreement with, share the same opinion as

2. 表示身体适应或接受:

   在这个用法中,“agree with”指的是食物、气候或环境等对某人的健康或舒适度有利。



   - The spicy food doesn't agree with him. (他吃不了辣的食物。)

   - She feels refreshed after spending a week in the countryside, as the fresh air agrees with her. (她在乡下待了一周后感觉神清气爽,因为那里的新鲜空气对她的身体有益。)

   同义短语:suit, be tolerable to, be beneficial to

3. 表示事实相符或吻合:



   - The report agrees with the witness's statement. (报告与证人的陈述相符。)

   - The experiment's results don't agree with our initial hypothesis. (实验结果并不符合我们最初的假设。)

   同义短语:correspond with, be consistent with, match

4. 表示安排或计划一致:

   在这种情况下,"agree with" 意味着时间、日期或其他细节与某人的计划或安排相吻合。


   - Our schedule agrees with yours, so we can meet at 3 pm. (我们的日程安排与你的相符,所以我们可以在下午三点见面。)

   - The proposed meeting time doesn't agree with my availability. (提议的会议时间与我的空闲时间不符。)

   同义短语:coincide with, fit into, be compatible with