**"Add To" 的释义与用法**


"Add to" 是一个英语短语动词,主要表示“增加”、“添加”或“增强”的意思。它用于指将某物加入到已存在的事物中,或者在原有基础上增加数量或质量。此外,"add to" 也可以用来表示增加某种情况或感觉,例如加重问题或增加乐趣。


"Add to" is an English phrasal verb primarily meaning "to increase" or "to add something to something else". It refers to the act of putting something into an existing collection, or augmenting the quantity or quality. Furthermore, "add to" can also imply intensifying a situation or sensation, such as exacerbating a problem or enhancing enjoyment.


1. **增加数量或物质**

   - I added two more cups of sugar to the recipe to make it sweeter. (我在食谱中又加了两杯糖以使其更甜。)

   - The company plans to add 50 new employees to its workforce next month. (公司计划下个月向员工队伍中增加50名新员工。)

2. **增强或改善**

   - Her performance added to the overall success of the play. (她的表演为整个剧目的成功增添了光彩。)

   - The new features in the software will add to its functionality. (软件中的新功能将增强其功能性。)

3. **加重或恶化**

   - The rain added to our misery, making the journey even more difficult. (雨水加重了我们的痛苦,使旅程更加艰难。)

   - His absence from the meeting only added to the confusion. (他缺席会议只是增加了混乱。)


- **Increase**: This word can be used interchangeably with "add to" when referring to increasing a quantity or size. However, it does not convey the nuances of adding to an effect or emotion.

   - Example: Increasing the temperature adds to the cooking time. (提高温度会增加烹饪时间。)

- **Augment**: This term is similar to "add to" but often implies a more significant or substantial addition, especially in terms of quality or value.

   - Example: The new wing augments the museum's exhibition space. (新翼增加了博物馆的展览空间。)

- **Enhance**: While "enhance" can mean the same as "add to" when improving something, it often suggests a more dramatic improvement or enrichment.

   - Example: The live music enhances the dining experience. (现场音乐增强了用餐体验。)

- **Accumulate**: This term focuses on the process of gathering or collecting over time, rather than a one-time addition.

   - Example: Over the years, he accumulated a large collection of antique books. (多年来,他积累了大量的古籍。)