"Accuse sb. of sth." 是一个常用的英语短语,意为“指控某人做了某事”或“指责某人犯有某种行为”。这个表达通常用于正式或非正式的场合,涉及对某人的批评或控诉。


"Accuse sb. of sth." 主要用于指出或公开声明某人被认为犯有特定的错误、罪行或不道德行为。它强调的是对他人的指责或指控,并可能引发进一步的讨论、调查或法律程序。


在使用这个短语时,"sb." 代表“somebody”,即某个人,而 "sth." 代表“something”,即某件事。"Accuse" 是动词,后面跟 "sb." 作为直接宾语,再接 "of" 和 "sth." 作为间接宾语。例如:

1. The police accused him of theft. (警察指控他盗窃。)

2. She accused her colleague of spreading false rumors. (她指责她的同事散布谣言。)


1. Charge sb. with sth.: 这个短语也表示提出正式的指控,通常与法律事务相关。例如:The prosecutor charged him with murder. (检察官控告他犯有谋杀罪。)

2. Blame sb. for sth.: 这个短语更常用于日常对话中,表示将责任归咎于某人。例如:I blame you for the accident. (我怪你造成了这次事故。)

3. Accuse sb. wrongly of sth.: 这个短语强调错误地指控了某人。例如:They accused him wrongly of stealing money, and he was later proven innocent. (他们错误地指控他偷钱,后来他被证明是清白的。)

4. Implicate sb. in sth.: 指出某人可能参与了某个事件或犯罪。例如:The evidence implicates him in the robbery. (证据显示他可能参与了抢劫。)


1. The witness accused the suspect of being present at the crime scene. (证人指控嫌疑人当时在犯罪现场。)

2. In the debate, the candidate accused his opponent of misrepresenting facts. (在辩论中,候选人指责他的对手歪曲事实。)

3. She accused him of neglecting his duties as a father. (她指责他没有尽到父亲的责任。)

4. The company was accused of violating labor laws by several employees. (公司被多名员工指控违反了劳动法。)