**Account for: 句子释义与用法**

**释义1: 解释,说明**

当“account for”用于解释或说明某事的原因或结果时,它的意思是给出一个理由或原因来解释某种情况。例如:

- The sudden drop in sales can be accounted for by the new competitors entering the market. (销售突然下降可以归因于新竞争者的进入。)

**释义2: 对...负责**

在责任或义务的上下文中,“account for”表示对某事或某人负责。例如:

- As a manager, you will have to account for the performance of your team. (作为经理,你将要对你的团队表现负责。)

**释义3: 占比**

在统计或会计领域,"account for"用来表示某个部分在整体中所占的比例。例如:

- The manufacturing sector accounts for 45% of the country's GDP. (制造业占该国GDP的45%。)


1. She couldn't account for her strange behavior that night. (她无法解释那天晚上自己奇怪的行为。)

2. He had to account for the missing funds to the auditor. (他必须向审计员解释失踪的资金。)

3. Her excellent performance accounted for her promotion. (她的出色表现是她晋升的原因。)

4. The company's profits have been declining, and we need to account for this trend. (公司的利润一直在下滑,我们需要解释这一趋势。)

5. The pollution from factories accounts for a significant portion of environmental damage. (工厂的污染在环境破坏中占了相当大的比例。)


1. **Explain**: 与"account for"在解释或说明的意思上非常接近,但"explain"更侧重于使别人理解,而"account for"则强调提供理由或原因。

   - Explain why you were late. (解释一下你为什么迟到。)

   - Account for your absence yesterday. (解释一下你昨天为什么缺席。)

2. **justify**: "justify"强调证明某事是合理的或有道理的,通常需要提供证据或论据。

   - You'll need to justify your decision to the board. (你需要向董事会证明你的决定是合理的。)

3. **attribute**: "attribute"指将某事归因于特定的人、事或物,通常用于因果关系。

   - I attribute my success to hard work and dedication. (我把我的成功归功于努力工作和专注。)

4. **owe**: 在特定语境下,"owe an account for"可表达“对...负责”的意思,但"owe"更常用于金钱或债务。

   - You owe me an explanation for your actions. (你欠我一个对你行为的解释。)

5. **represent**: 当讨论占比时,"represent"与"account for"相似,但"represent"更侧重于表示或描绘。

   - Young people represent a significant part of our customer base. (年轻人在我们的客户群中占了很大一部分。)