Absent from

A. 释义

Absent from 是一个介词短语,表示“不在”或“缺席”的意思。它通常用于描述一个人或物在某地或某个场合没有出现或未能参加。

B. 用法

1. 作为形容词短语,用于描述某人或某物不在某地或某个场合。

   例句:He was absent from the meeting yesterday.


2. 作为动词短语,表示某人或某物没有出现或未能参加。

   例句:The book was absent from the library shelf.


C. 例句

1. She has been absent from work for three days due to illness.


2. The painting was absent from the exhibition hall, which was a great disappointment to the visitors.


3. The team was absent from the championship game, as they were disqualified for violating the rules.


D. 同义词辨析

1. Absent vs. Missing

   Absent 强调某人或某物不在应该在的地方,而 Missing 则强调某人或某物的缺失或丢失。

   例句:The student was absent from class, but his homework was missing.


2. Absent vs. Away

   Absent 通常用于正式场合,表示某人或某物不在应该在的地方,而 Away 则表示某人或某物暂时离开或不在附近。

   例句:He is absent from the meeting, but he will be back in an hour.


3. Absent vs. Present

   Absent 表示不在,而 Present 表示在场或出席。

   例句:She was absent from the party, but her sister was present.
