"Above all" 是一个常用的英语短语,用于强调某事的重要性或优先级。以下是对这个短语的详细解释和用法例句,以及一些同义词的辨析。


"Above all" 可以被翻译为“首先”、“最重要的是”或“最重要的是”。它通常用于强调在一系列事物或考虑中,某一项的重要性或优先级高于其他所有事项。


1. "Above all, safety must be our top priority when working with hazardous materials."


2. "When dealing with children, patience is above all."


3. "Above all, we must respect each other's opinions in this discussion."


4. "In this job, attention to detail is above all."


5. "Above all, honesty is the key to a successful relationship."



1. "First and foremost":这个短语与 "above all" 非常相似,都强调某事的重要性或优先级。但是,"first and foremost" 通常用于更正式的语境中。

   例句:"First and foremost, we need to address the issue of funding for this project."


2. "Most importantly":这个短语也用于强调某事的重要性,但它更侧重于强调某事在一系列事物中的相对重要性。

   例句:"Most importantly, we need to ensure that everyone understands the new policy."


3. "Primarily":这个短语强调的是某事的主要或首要性质,但它并不总是暗示其他事项的次要性。

   例句:"Our goal is to educate, primarily through online courses."


4. "Essentially":这个短语强调的是某事的本质或核心,但它并不总是用于强调优先级。

   例句:"Essentially, the new law aims to protect the rights of workers."


5. "Ultimately":这个短语强调的是某事的最终结果或目标,但它并不总是用于强调优先级。

   例句:"Ultimately, the decision will be made by the board of directors."
