"A matter of concern" 是一个英语短语,通常用来描述一个引起关注或需要重视的问题。这个表达的核心含义是某事值得担忧或需要特别注意。在句子中,它可以用作主语、宾语或定语,强调问题的重要性。


1. The rising sea levels due to climate change have become a matter of concern for many coastal cities. (由于气候变化导致的海平面上升已经成为许多沿海城市关注的问题。)

2. It is a matter of concern that the company's profits have been declining steadily over the past year. (公司利润在过去一年持续下降,这是一个令人担忧的问题。)

3. The safety of school children on their way to and from school is a matter of concern for parents and educators alike. (学生上下学途中的安全问题是家长和教育工作者共同关心的问题。)


1. **Issue**: "Issue" 也可以表示一个需要解决或讨论的问题,但它通常带有更正式或政策性的意味。例如:"The issue of immigration policy has been at the forefront of political debates." (移民政策问题一直是政治辩论的焦点。)

2. **Problem**: "Problem" 强调的是需要解决的困难或挑战,通常涉及具体的情况或障碍。例如:"Traffic congestion in the city is a major problem that needs urgent attention." (城市的交通拥堵是一个需要立即解决的重大问题。)

3. **Worry**: "Worry" 更侧重于内心的忧虑或不安,可以用于个人或集体的感受。例如:"The increasing crime rate in the neighborhood is a worry for many residents." (社区犯罪率的上升让许多居民感到担忧。)

4. **Conundrum**: "Conundrum" 指的是复杂而难以解决的问题,常常带有智力挑战的成分。例如:"The aging population presents a conundrum for social security systems worldwide." (全球老龄化问题给社会保障体系带来了难题。)

5. **Challenge**: "Challenge" 强调的是需要克服的困难或需要面对的测试。例如:"The transition to renewable energy sources poses a significant challenge for governments." (转向可再生能源对各国政府提出了重大挑战。)