
"To guard against" 是一个英语短语,直译为“防范”或“预防”。在这个短语中,“guard”意为“保护”或“警戒”,而“against”表示“对抗”或“防止”。因此,“to guard against the typhoon”指的是采取措施来防止或减轻台风可能带来的损害。


1. **作为动词短语:**

   - "We must stock up on food and water to guard against the approaching typhoon."(我们必须储备食物和水以防即将到来的台风。)

   - "The government has issued warnings to citizens to guard against potential flooding during the typhoon."(政府已向市民发出警告,以防台风期间可能出现的洪水。)

2. **在条件句中:**

   - "If we don't reinforce the house, it won't be able to guard against the force of the typhoon."(如果我们不加固房屋,它将无法抵御台风的威力。)

   - "She always keeps an emergency kit ready to guard against any unforeseen circumstances during a typhoon."(她总是准备好应急包,以防台风期间发生任何意外情况。)

3. **在祈使句中:**

   - "Guard against falling trees by staying indoors during the typhoon."(台风期间待在室内,以防被倒下的树木砸到。)

   - "Guard against power outages by having a torch and a charged mobile phone."(准备手电筒和充满电的手机以防止停电。)


1. **Protect from / Shield against:**

   - "Protect from" 和 "Shield against" 都有“保护免受伤害”的意思,但前者更侧重于积极主动地采取措施,后者则强调像屏障一样遮挡。

   - 例如:“The roof was reinforced to protect the house from the typhoon's winds.”(屋顶被加固以保护房屋免受台风的风力。)

   - “The trees around the house shielded it against the direct impact of the storm.”(房子周围的树木像屏障一样保护它免受风暴的直接冲击。)

2. **Prepare for / Get ready for:**

   - 这两个短语都表示“为…做准备”,但“prepare for”更正式,通常用于计划性的事情,而“get ready for”则更口语化,可用于即时或即将发生的事件。

   - “We need to prepare for the typhoon by securing outdoor furniture.”(我们需要收拾户外家具,为台风做好准备。)

   - “Get ready for possible evacuation orders by packing essential items.”(打包必需品,准备好可能的疏散命令。)

3. **Defend against / Counteract:**

   - "Defend against" 意味着“防御”,强调对抗,而 "Counteract" 则表示“抵消”或“中和”,暗示采取行动来抵消不利影响。

   - “The coastal cities have built seawalls to defend against typhoon-induced storm surges.”(沿海城市建造了海堤以防御台风引起的风暴潮。)

   - “The community planted more trees to counteract the soil erosion caused by the typhoon.”(社区种植了更多的树来抵消台风造成的土壤侵蚀。)