"To be vigorous, energetic" 这个短语在英语中用来描述一个人、活动或事物充满活力、精力充沛、生气勃勃的状态。Vigorous源自拉丁语"vigor",意为力量或活力,而energetic则来自希腊语"energeia",表示工作或行动的力量。这个表达强调的是一种积极向上、充满干劲的生活态度或者状态。


1. **形容人**:

   - "John is always vigorous and energetic in his work, never tiring of new challenges."

   - "The young athlete displayed a remarkable vigor and energy during the marathon."

2. **形容活动或事件**:

   - "The festival was a vibrant and energetic celebration of culture and arts."

   - "Their team meeting was filled with vigorous and energetic discussions."

3. **形容事物**:

   - "This new product launch demonstrates the company's vigorous and energetic approach to innovation."

   - "The stock market has shown a vigorous and energetic performance this quarter."


1. **Dynamic**:强调动态变化和创新,常用于描述有活力、有创造力的人或环境。

   - "The startup has a dynamic team that constantly comes up with innovative ideas."

2. **Lively**:更侧重于生动活泼,通常用于描述气氛、活动或人的性格。

   - "Her lively personality made the party more enjoyable."

3. **Prolific**:主要指多产,常用于描述写作、创作等领域的高产。

   - "He is a prolific writer, publishing several books each year."

4. **Zesty**:带有浓厚的兴趣和热情,形容人或事物充满趣味和活力。

   - "Her zest for life is contagious, making everyone around her feel more alive."

5. **Fervent**:强调强烈的热情和热忱,常用于情感或信仰的表达。

   - "She is a fervent advocate for environmental conservation."
