To Gain Weight

## 中文释义:


## 英文释义:

"To gain weight" refers to the process of increasing one's body mass by consuming more calories or altering lifestyle habits, such as exercise and dietary routines. It is commonly used in the context of health, fitness, or nutrition.

## 用法例句:

1. **中文**:自从他开始健身房训练,他的目标是每周健康地增重半公斤。

   **English**:Since he started working out at the gym, his goal has been to gain half a kilogram of weight healthily each week.

2. **中文**:医生建议我增重,因为我的体重低于正常标准。

   **English**:The doctor recommended I gain weight since my weight falls below the normal range.

3. **中文**:为了增重,她开始每天多摄入500卡路里的食物。

   **English**:To gain weight, she began consuming an additional 500 calories per day.

4. **中文**:他增重太快,可能是饮食中糖分和脂肪摄入过多。

   **English**:He's gaining weight too rapidly; it could be due to excessive intake of sugar and fats in his diet.

5. **中文**:增重并不总是坏事,如果是因为肌肉的增长,那就说明你的锻炼计划奏效了。

   **English**:Gaining weight isn't always negative – if it's due to muscle growth, then your workout routine is paying off.

## 同义词辨析:

1. **增加体重** (Increase Body Mass) - 这个短语与"to gain weight"非常相似,但更强调物理体重的增加,不特指增加的是脂肪还是肌肉。

2. **增肥** (Put On Weight) - 这个词组通常暗示体重增加,可能包括脂肪,而不是健康的肌肉增长。在一些情况下,它可能带有贬义,因为它可能与不健康的饮食习惯有关。

3. **壮实** (Bulk Up) - 侧重于通过增加肌肉质量来增加体重,常见于健身和体育领域。

4. **丰满** (Fill Out) - 这个词组在某些文化中可能有正面含义,表示一个人看起来更健康或更有活力,但并不特指增加脂肪或肌肉。

5. **养胖** (Fatten Up) - 这个短语通常带有负面含义,因为它暗示了非自然或不健康的增重过程。